Sunday, February 7, 2010

Guest Book Ideas For Birthday Any Ideas For A Unique Birthday Card?

Any ideas for a unique birthday card? - guest book ideas for birthday

It's my 21st Birthday soon, and traditionally, men have, say, sign a large number of cards in the form, or just a huge map of the novelty for the customers. I want to do something different from when a little more creativity. Perhaps in imitation of a small book for people to write messages anymore? But better!
Any idea is welcome.


storkdel... said...

Get a real slicks and an attractive appearance, which must be signed by all parties. Perhaps you can have in your party a theme.

L.A. said...

Hi, Vee! Congratulations on 21!
What do you think of this idea? Why should it not be a birthday card tree? Seems crazy, right? i know! I thought it would be worth a try! cut a branch from a tree in his garden, not a huge plot of land with small twigs, paint spray some color as the fabulous gold and then "pot" in a new mud. could use small colored stones or just potting soil and cover the ground with a few colored stones. Then a template from a sheet (which is large enough for people to write a message of Nice), or go and a true leaf, and turn it into a model. Any number of pages that were a few specially invited. very nice marker and buy some small clothes pins or clips.
the tree on the table, gifts, and leaves, paper clips and bookmarks. People sign a sheet and a clip to your tree! By late afternoon, you have a great birthday card!
PS nothing wrong when they clip a pair of $ 10 Future ", S, or 20 per tree, right? ;-)
You may think I'm crazy, but of course no one would be a birthday card and much more!
Happy 21!

Lulu said...

make wallpaper with a large poster or a piece of paper as a whole and for various kinds of art supplies colored pencils, and markers, paints, brushes, masks, kissing, etc., colors red lips on the girl child to use the paper

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