Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rental House Insurance I Am Taking Over The House Payments From A Friend And I Would Like To Know About Rental Insurance.?

I am taking over the house payments from a friend and I would like to know about rental insurance.? - rental house insurance

I do not want to know about car insurance or other types of insurance, such as the house was in my name. Can you help me please?


archlydi... said...

You just want a policy of generally tenants. Insurance agents in most states that do not allow an insurance company owner, except in the title, but it seems you already know this May His friend is responsible for maintaining insurance coverage for homes, the levels required by your mortgage company . This refers to the structure and the property of the owner (depending on type), but not your things. Make sure that adequate coverage to all their property and cover in case someone gets hurt at home. If you live in a flood area (ask your friends, you probably know), should you ensure you get a policy that covers flood and water damage to your home does not belong (the house itself). If you have a car, you should probably quote the auto insurance with, as you will, can a multi-line discount into consideration. You should call an agent. I am sure they would be willing to provide additional information.

sophieb said...

First, I would ask: "Why" support the payments on the house of a friend .... This means that you "are renting" the house? Because if you have payments in connection with the intention of then think there is a possibility that you could hurt or betrayed. On the other hand, only for the rent, then you need a lease agreement with the owner (and they) need separate insurance. If you have a rental and the house is on behalf of the owner, so if something happens to the owner and not the will of the House could be in the hands of the courts or relatives of owners who want to sell, the property covered under you . In any case, to protect themselves first, you ask the owner what to do and then obtain a second opinion from an insurance agent and at least insurance to protect their property.

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